Outplacement for expats
Anyone who works abroad for their employer as a manager or specialist can gain a lot of valuable experience there and give their career a boost. However, the return often does not go as smoothly as promised.
Often there is no follow-up position at headquarters or it is difficult to find a suitable successor abroad. So the promised two to three years quickly turn into four, five or more years.
However, returning to a comparatively tightly regulated, well-functioning working environment becomes increasingly difficult after more than three years abroad, often with considerable room for manoeuvre.
With our expat outplacement, seamless return to the German-speaking world.
We have developed our own outplacement programme for expats, with which you can also find a suitable follow-up position in the German-speaking world from abroad. In the meantime, we have all become accustomed to the many online meetings via Zoom, Teams or Webex, so that pure online consulting can be provided by consultants in Germany. The job search is done by our research in the respective target market. Contact